2024.06.17 00:28Nation

沖縄県議選、知事派劣勢 辺野古移設に影響


2024.06.17 00:28Nation

Voting Starts in Okinawa Pref. Assembly Election

Voting kicked off Sunday morning in an election for the prefectural assembly of Okinawa, with the relocation of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air station within the southernmost Japan prefecture a major issue in the poll.
   Balloting will last until 8 p.m., and vote counting is set to start soon later. A total of 75 candidates are vying for 48 seats in the election.
   The focus is whether the prefectural ruling bloc in support of Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki, who is aiming to block the relocation of the U.S. base to the Henoko coastal district in the city of Nago from the city of Ginowan, or the opposition bloc, including the Liberal Democratic Party, will win a majority of the seats.
   Of the 75 candidates, 34 are from parties forming the ruling bloc, including the Japanese Communist Party, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Social Democratic Party, while 33 are from parties in the opposition bloc, such as the LDP, Komeito and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party). The remaining eight are independent candidates.
   One each from the ruling and opposition camps have secured their seats uncontested.


