2024.06.16 01:45Nation

岸田首相、「公正な平和」訴え 原発安全、議論に貢献―ウクライナ会議


2024.06.16 01:45Nation

Japan PM Kishida Seeks Fair Peace at Summit on Ukraine Conflict

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stressed on Saturday the need for a fair and permanent peace based on the U.N. Charter, in a speech at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, which began the same day in Switzerland.
   In the speech at the conference, set to run through Sunday in the Burgenstock resort in central Switzerland, Kishida said that unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion should not be justified, referring to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which started in February 2022.
   The prime minister said that Tokyo has imposed sanctions against Moscow and provided aid to Kyiv on the fear that "Ukraine today could be East Asia tomorrow."
   He said that Japan will actively contribute to discussions on nuclear safety including at nuclear power plants, which is a key issue for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Kishida also noted that Japan plans to host an international conference on land mine removal next year.
   Kishida mentioned that the Group of Seven major powers affirmed Ukraine's sovereignty and its territorial integrity at their 2023 summit in Hiroshima, western Japan, which he chaired.


