2024.06.15 22:42Nation

伊首相、移民やAIで成果強調 G7サミット閉幕会見


2024.06.15 22:42Nation

PM Meloni Stresses Outcomes of G-7 Summit in Italy

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who chaired this year's summit of the Group of Seven major countries, underscored on Saturday the results achieved at the conference.
   At a press conference to sum up the three-day gathering held in Puglia, southern Italy, through the day, Meloni said she is very proud that participating leaders shared Italy's efforts over measures against illegal immigration, support for Africa and management of artificial intelligence, all key areas set by the chair nation for the summit.
   In a joint statement adopted Friday, the leaders from Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States plus the European Union agreed to launch a G-7 coalition to prevent and counter the smuggling of migrants.
   Italy's long-term project to back up Africa's economic development through investments in the agriculture and energy sectors in the continent was also endorsed at the G-7 summit.
   Pope Francis, who has called for regulating the use of AI from an ethical perspective, participated in a G-7 session on the technology held Friday.


