2024.04.01 13:29Nation

対面・マスクなし復活 挑戦呼び掛け―企業が入社式


2024.04.01 13:29Nation

Maskless, In-Person Company Entrance Ceremonies Held in Japan

Many companies in Japan held annual entrance ceremonies for new recruits in person and without participants wearing face masks on Monday, the first day of the country's new fiscal year, after years of COVID-19 restrictions.
   "Society is changing at an alarming speed," Hitachi Ltd. President and CEO Keiji Kojima said at a ceremony at a Tokyo hotel to welcome its 780 new employees. "I hope that you all embrace challenge," he said.
   At last year's ceremony, Sumitomo Corp. asked participants to wear face masks. The trading house made this year's ceremony, attended by 98 people, maskless. Each new employee received a staff identification card with a welcome message.
   At a ceremony at Nippon Steel Corp., whose proposed purchase of United States Steel Corp. has been under intense scrutiny in the United States, President and Chief Operating Officer Tadashi Imai told 141 new employees, "Daily efforts by each and every one of you will make Nippon Steel the world's No. 1 company in terms of comprehensive strength."


