2024.03.29 07:06Nation

国連安保理、北朝鮮パネル延長を否決 ロシア拒否権、事実上廃止へ


2024.03.29 07:06Nation

Russia Vetoes U.N. Resolution to Extend N. Korea Panel

Russia on Thursday vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution to extend for one year the mandate of an expert panel to check the implementation of international sanctions against North Korea.
   Of the remaining 14 members of the council, 13 including Japan, the United States and South Korea voted for the resolution, while China abstained. Japan is this month's president of the council.
   The eight-member panel will reach the end of its mandate at the end of April. It will have to stop its activities unless the Security Council passes a resolution to extend the mandate.
   According to a council source, many think that Russia is unlikely to approve an extension even if further negotiations are held. The panel is therefore likely to be effectively abolished.
   The panel collects information on North Korea and investigates suspected cases of sanctions violations. If the organization stops its activities, sanctions evasion activities are expected to increase, making it easier for North Korea to accelerate its nuclear and missile development.


