2024.03.28 21:19Nation

紅麹、台湾でも健康被害か 70歳女性が腎不全―報道


2024.03.28 21:19Nation

Possible Health Issue over "Beni Koji" Reported in Taiwan

Taiwanese media reported Thursday a possible health issue linked to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co.'s "beni koji" red fermented rice.
   A 70-year-old woman who was a user of a supplement manufactured by a Taiwanese company using beni koji imported from the Japanese pharmaceutical firm had been diagnosed with acute kidney failure, according to Taiwanese media.
   The United Daily News, a major Taiwanese newspaper, said that the woman went to the doctor in March last year after experiencing symptoms such as diarrhea. Her condition later worsened and she was put on dialysis starting in May the same year.
   The woman had been taking the supplement for three or four years.
   Two health food companies in Taiwan have made supplements using Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's beni koji.


