2024.03.28 12:22Nation

与野党、予算案採決で協議 裏金で開会ずれ込み―聴取、首相「森氏含まれ得る」


2024.03.28 12:22Nation

Kishida Hints at Questioning Ex-PM Mori over Money Scandal

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori may be questioned over a high-profile slush funds scandal involving factions of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Thursday.
   "Former Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori is a person concerned," Kishida told the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of parliament, regarding the LDP's expected additional questioning over the scandal.
   Mori "can be included" in a group of people subject to the additional questioning, because it is necessary to clarify political responsibilities, Kishida went on.
   Mori, who headed for years the LDP faction previously led by late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is seen as a key figure in the scandal. Kishida is president of the LDP.
   Meanwhile, Kishida refused to elaborate on the allegation that senior members of the Abe faction held talks in March 2022, possibly to discuss kickbacks from the faction to members.


