2024.03.23 18:17Nation

宮本氏が会長就任 「人を巻き込む」―サッカー協会


 宮本 恒靖氏(みやもと・つねやす)DFとしてG大阪やザルツブルク(オーストリア)、神戸で活躍した。元日本代表主将で、W杯はドイツ大会を含め2度出場。プロ活動と並行して同大で学び、13年にスポーツ学の大学院「FIFAマスター」修了。G大阪監督などを務めた後、日本協会理事、専務理事を歴任。大阪府出身。47歳。(2024/03/23-18:17)

2024.03.23 18:17Nation

Ex-Japan Captain Miyamoto Becomes Youngest JFA Head

Tsuneyasu Miyamoto, a former captain of the Japanese men's national soccer team, became the 15th president of the Japan Football Association on Saturday.
   Miyamoto, 47, is the youngest JFA president since the end of World War II, and the first JFA head to have played in the World Cup.
   He has experience coaching a team in the top division of Japan's professional soccer league. At the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, he worked as a member of FIFA, the sport's international governing body. He previously served as JFA general secretary.
   "I want to make the soccer world better by involving many people, while being strongly committed to the soccer world," Miyamoto told a press conference in Tokyo on the day.
   Miyamoto was the only candidate in the JFA leadership election and was approved as the next JFA head in December.


