2024.01.12 12:50Nation

二階派プール1億円か 不記載2億円超の可能性―パーティー収入事件


2024.01.12 12:50Nation

Huge Hidden Income Suspected at Japan LDP Nikai Faction

The Liberal Democratic Party faction led by former Secretary-General Toshihiro Nikai and its members are suspected of failing to report over 200 million yen in fundraising party income, sources said Friday.
   The faction of the Japanese ruling party sets ticket sales quotas for its member lawmakers depending on the number of times they have been elected and their positions, returning excess revenues to the members, according to the sources.
   Over the five years, the Nikai faction returned more than 100 million yen in excess revenues to member lawmakers. But the faction allegedly failed to record the movements of the money in political funds reports.
   In addition, some faction members are suspected of keeping some excess revenues at hand instead of giving the money to the faction. The total amount is believed to reach some 100 million yen over the five years, the sources said.
   Also at the LDP's largest faction, once headed by the late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, over 10 member lawmakers are suspected of keeping excess revenues as slush funds instead of giving the money to the faction.


