温暖化の健康被害議論 120カ国超、宣言に賛同―COP28
COP28 Participants Discuss Climate Change-Linked Health Issues
Parties joining closely watched U.N. climate talks in Dubai held a session Sunday on the theme of global warming and health.
The discussions, led by the United Arab Emirates, chair of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP28, focused on ongoing problems believed to be caused by global warming, such as air pollution, heatstroke and a series of infectious disease outbreaks.
Participants also talked about financial assistance for tackling these issues.
At a ministerial meeting held as part of the day's session, Masakazu Hamachi, Japan's state minister of health, said that accelerating emissions cuts is very important also on the medical front.
Japan aims to lead the efforts to spread universal health coverage, in which health care is available to all people, he said.