2023.07.28 15:45Nation

核抑止論は破綻 平和宣言の骨子発表―広島市


2023.07.28 15:45Nation

Hiroshima, Nagasaki Announce Outlines of Annual Peace Declarations

The western Japan city of Hiroshima will argue in its annual peace declaration this year that the logic of nuclear deterrence has collapsed, and that world leaders should face up to the situation, it was learned Friday.
   The southwestern city of Nagasaki, meanwhile, will use such a declaration to express its commitment to realizing nuclear abolition amid the prolonged war in Ukraine and the risk of Russia using nuclear weapons.
   The two cities, which were hit by U.S. atomic bombs in the closing days of World War II, released outlines of the their annual declarations on Friday.
   The declarations will be read by Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui on Aug. 6 and Nagasaki Mayor Shiro Suzuki on Aug. 9, at the cities' respective peace memorial ceremonies.
   According to the outlines, the Hiroshima declaration will emphasize the need to start taking concrete steps promptly to lead the world from the harsh reality to ideal, and call on world leaders to visit the city and send out a message of peace.


