2020.02.03 12:15Nation

新型肺炎、入国拒否5人 検査キットの開発着手―政府


2020.02.03 12:15Nation

Japan Refuses Entry of 5 Foreigners over Coronavirus

Japan refused the entry of five foreign nationals on Saturday in accordance with a measure, implemented the same day, to strengthen immigration controls amid the spread of a new coronavirus, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Monday.
   Under the measure, the Japanese government in principle will refuse entry by foreign nationals with records of being in China's Hubei Province within 14 days of their application to enter Japan and holders of Chinese passports issued by the province.
   Hubei is the home province of Wuhan, where the virus originated.
   At the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of parliament, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that the government "has already launched efforts to develop a simple test kit (to detect the new coronavirus), with cooperation with private institutions in sight."
   "The Cabinet Secretariat is leading the implementation of countermeasures beyond ministry and agency boundaries," Abe said. "We'd like to enhance our crisis management capabilities further by conducting constant reviews (of our systems)."


