2020.02.02 09:10Nation

身近なSDGs活動にポイント 時差出勤、レジ袋削減で―東京都


2020.02.02 09:10Nation

Tokyo Testing Reward Points for SDG Activities

The Tokyo metropolitan government is experimenting with giving reward points to citizens who engage in activities that are in line with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.
   The initiative, slated to run through fiscal 2020, is part of efforts to motivate people to contribute to society, as well as to promote cashless payments.
   The project rewards people engaging in SDG-friendly activities in the business districts of Otemachi, Marunouchi and Yurakucho in central Tokyo, as well as in neighborhoods along train lines operated by Tokyu Corp. . A reward point is equivalent to one yen, and a total of 50 million points will be given out in the initiative.
   In the business districts, people are rewarded 200 points every time they arrive to work on trains earlier or later than peak rush-hour times, to avoid overcrowding.
   They also receive 50 points for not using plastic bags at select convenience stores and 400 points for purchasing bento boxes using reusable containers and returning them after eating.


