2023.05.16 18:40Nation

改正DV法、「精神危害」も対象 19日公布、来年4月施行


2023.05.16 18:40Nation

Japan to Promulgate Revised Domestic Violence Law Fri.

The Japanese government Tuesday decided to promulgate the revised domestic violence prevention law Friday to better protect victims of psychological abuse, such as verbal violence.
   The revised law, enacted unanimously at the Diet, Japan's parliament, on Friday, will take effect on April 1 next year.
   In addition to physical violence, psychological abuse will join the list of incidents deserving protection orders from courts to ban perpetrators from stalking their targets.
   "We will do all we can in our preparations so that we can rescue as many people as possible who suffer from spousal violence," Masanobu Ogura, minister for gender equality, told a press conference.
   The period of the validity of the protection orders will be extended to one year from six months.


