2022.12.09 19:00Nation

刑務官22人、受刑者暴行か 名古屋刑務所、3人に繰り返す―斎藤法相「深刻な事態、厳正対処」


2022.12.09 19:00Nation

22 Nagoya Prison Officers Repeatedly Assault Inmates

Japan's Justice Ministry said Friday that 22 correction officers are suspected of repeatedly assaulting three inmates at Nagoya Prison in Aichi Prefecture.
   "We want to apologize sincerely to the inmates," Justice Minister Ken Saito told a hurriedly held press conference. "We are conducting a thorough investigation and will deal strictly with the matter."
   Noting that fatal assaults on inmates happened at the prison in the central Japan prefecture in the past, Saito said, "It is regrettable that similar misconduct has recurred at the same prison."
   According to the ministry, the officers in question are believed to have slapped the faces and hands of the inmates in their 40s to 60s, sprayed sanitizers at their faces and smacked their behinds with sandals between November 2021 and late August this year.
   Correction officers' violence came to light when one of the inmates in his 60s attributed his injury near his left eye to an officer's rough treatment.


