2022.10.14 14:55Nation

女性や児童生徒の自殺防止強化 3割減の従来目標維持―政府大綱


2022.10.14 14:55Nation

Japan to Step Up Efforts to Prevent Suicides among Women, Children

The Japanese government said Friday that it will step up efforts to prevent suicides among women and children that have been increasing amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
   The number of people who committed suicide in Japan has fallen by some 30 pct from the level in 2006, but that of women and children who killed themselves has increased, the government said.
   It said the pandemic worsened problems that could cause suicides by reducing contact opportunities and prompting changes in working styles.
   For women, the government pledged to give further help to those struggling with an unexpected pregnancy and provide job assistance to nonregular workers.
   A planned new agency in charge of child and family policies, to be established in April next year, will work closely together with other agencies on ways to prevent children from killing themselves, the government said.


