2022.10.12 16:53Nation

イプシロン6号機、打ち上げ失敗 姿勢制御にトラブル―指令破壊で海に落下・JAXA


2022.10.12 16:53Nation

JAXA Epsilon-6 Rocket Launch Ends in Failure

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, on Wednesday failed to launch its sixth Epsilon solid-fuel rocket.
   The agency sent a signal for the rocket to self-destruct seven minutes after the launch from its Uchinoura Space Center in the town of Kimotsuki in Kagoshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan, at 9:50 a.m. (12:50 a.m. GMT), after it concluded that a safe flight was unlikely due to a problem.
   The science ministry held a panel meeting the same day and instructed JAXA to identify the cause of the problem.
   It was the first launch failure for the Epsilon series. The first Epsilon rocket lifted off in 2013.
   The Epsilon-6 rocket became the first major JAXA rocket whose launch ended in failure since the agency's sixth H-2A rocket in November 2003.


