2022.10.08 09:32Nation

ゼレンスキー氏「北方領土は日本」 ウクライナ議会も決議


2022.10.08 09:32Nation

Zelenskyy Backs Japan's Claim to Russian-Held Isles

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday signed a decree recognizing Japan's claim to Russian-controlled northwestern Pacific islands that Tokyo calls the Northern Territories.
   Zelenskyy said in a video speech that he reaffirms Ukraine's respect for Japan's sovereignty and territorial integrity, including the Northern Territories, which are under Russian occupation.
   Earlier on Friday, Ukraine's parliament adopted a resolution recognizing the Northern Territories as Japanese territory.
   The resolution said that Ukraine supports Japan's position on the islands, calling on the international community to take all possible measures to establish the legal status of the Northern Territories as belonging to Japan.
   The resolution did not use the expression, the Kuril Islands, which comprise an island chain called Chishima in Japan and the Northern Territories, that is common in the former Soviet bloc.


