2022.10.06 18:17Nation

岸田首相、安保戦略改定前に党首会談も 維新代表の提案に―物価高対応強化で「消費下支え」・衆院本会議


2022.10.06 18:17Nation

Kishida Willing to Reform Constitution during His Tenure

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Thursday voiced his willingness to realize constitutional reform while he is head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.
   At a plenary meeting of the House of Representatives on the day, Kishida noted that he has called for constitutional reform in the LDP's leadership election and on other occasions. "This position hasn't changed a bit," he stressed.
   "I sincerely hope that toward proposing constitutional amendment, further active discussions will be held beyond the boundaries of ruling and opposition parties during the ongoing Diet session," the prime minister said.
   Kishida was responding to questions by Nippon Ishin No Kai (Japan Innovation Party) chief Nobuyuki Baba.
   Meanwhile, Baba proposed that the government, the ruling parties and Nippon Ishin have talks prior to the planned revision of the country's National Security Strategy. Kishida indicated that he will consider the proposal.


