2022.09.30 21:01Nation

防衛力抜本強化、議論に着手 政府有識者会議が初会合


2022.09.30 21:01Nation

Japan Panel Starts Talks on Boosting Defense Capabilities

A panel of experts set up by the Japanese government started discussions Friday on ways to drastically strengthen the country's defense capabilities.
   The panel will compile proposals before the government updates the country's three key defense documents and assembles a fiscal 2023 budget later this year.
   The focal points of discussion are whether to allow the country to possess counterstrike capabilities, how much defense spending should be increased and how to finance the increase, sources familiar with the situation said.
   "In the severe security environment, we have to protect the lives and livelihoods of the public," Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told the panel's inaugural meeting.
   The prime minister said that he wants the panel to discuss how to secure the financial resources needed for strengthening the country's defenses comprehensively.


