2022.09.27 15:11Nation

「日本の真のリーダーだった」 菅前首相が弔辞―安倍氏国葬

 結びに、明治の元勲・山県有朋が盟友・伊藤博文をしのんだ「かたりあひて 尽し丶人は 先立ちぬ 今より後の 世をいかにせむ」との句を詠み上げ、自身の心情と重ねた。(2022/09/27-15:11)

2022.09.27 15:11Nation

Suga Hails Abe as True Leader of Japan

Former Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, the immediate successor to Shinzo Abe, said Tuesday that Abe was a true leader of the country.
   "I was truly happy as we shared all kinds of hardships and joys" while serving as Abe's chief cabinet secretary for seven years and eight months until September 2020, Suga said in a eulogy on behalf of Abe's friends at his state funeral in Tokyo.
   Suga said he got to know Abe in 2000. "Being overwhelmed by your straight eyes and resolve to stick to your belief, I had an intuition that you would become prime minister someday," he recalled.
   Saying that he persuaded Abe to run for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's leadership race for the second time, Suga said "it was the greatest accomplishment of my life."
   Suga also said he went to the site in Nara Prefecture, where Abe was gunned down during a campaign speech on July 8, as he wanted to see Abe and share the same air in the same space.


