2022.09.27 16:28Nation

御嶽山噴火8年で追悼式 犠牲者の冥福祈る―長野


2022.09.27 16:28Nation

Victims of Mt. Ontake Eruption Remembered on 8th Anniv.

A memorial service was held on Tuesday to mark the eighth anniversary of the eruption of Mount Ontake in central Japan, which killed 58 people and left five others missing.
   The ceremony was organized by the village of Otaki and the town of Kiso, both in Nagano Prefecture, and attended by about 60 people including Nagano Governor Shuichi Abe and local officials, as well as bereaved relatives.
   During the ceremony, the participants observed a moment of silence as a siren was sounded at 11:52 a.m. (2:52 a.m. GMT), the exact time when the 3,067-meter volcano straddling Nagano and Gifu prefectures erupted eight years ago.
   Such an anniversary ceremony did not take place last year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
   The village of Otaki had been working on relaxing this summer its entry restrictions for a ridge connecting the Otaki and Kengamine peaks, where many of the victims lost their lives.


