立・国合流協議、越年へ 玉木氏「根本折り合わず」
CDPJ-DPFP Merger Accord by Year-End Unlikely
The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and the Democratic Party for the People are unlikely to conclude their merger negotiations by the end of the year, senior DPFP officials have suggested.
The two major Japanese opposition parties "have yet to reach consensus on fundamental issues," DPFP leader Yuichiro Tamaki told a press conference on Wednesday. "The focus is whether we can find common ground on policies and philosophy," he added.
A senior DPFP official separately said, "We'll unlikely reach an agreement by year-end."
Tamaki said that secretaries-general of the two parties are currently promoting the merger talks while taking into consideration such political events as next year's ordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament, which will start next month, and a possible breakup of the House of Representatives, the all-important lower chamber of the Diet, for a snap election.
At a DPFP general council meeting later on Wednesday, the party's secretary-general, Hirofumi Hirano, reported that the DPFP and the CDPJ are discussing 20 items related to their envisaged merger, including the coordination of candidates in the next Lower House election. "The merger talks are highly likely to be extended into next year," he said.