2022.06.22 00:23Nation

核禁条約、締約国が初会議 廃絶訴え、保有国や日本は不在


2022.06.22 00:23Nation

1st Meeting of Nuke Ban Treaty Opens without Japan

Officials of the signatories to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons on Tuesday started a three-day meeting in Vienna in the absence of Japan, the only atomic-bombed country, or nuclear powers.
   As concerns over a possible nuclear war are increasing amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine, participants in the first meeting of the signatories will confirm their determination to realize peace by eliminating nuclear weapons from the world.
   The U.N. treaty has 86 signatories. But they do not include any of the nuclear powers, such as the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia, or countries under U.S. nuclear umbrellas, such as Japan, South Korea and NATO member states.
   But at least 33 nonsignatory countries participate in the meeting as observers, including such NATO countries as Germany, Norway, the Netherlands and Belgium.
   Japan is not present even as an observer. But the meeting was attended by hibakusha atomic bomb survivors and the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, hit by U.S. atomic bombs in August 1945 near the end of World War II.


