2022.06.05 07:06Nation

オミクロン、せき・倦怠感増 新型コロナ、都が後遺症分析―専門医「長期化の傾向」


2022.06.05 07:06Nation

More Experienced Fatigue, Coughing as Omicron Aftereffects

Japan is learning more about the aftereffects of infections with the omicron variant of the novel coronavirus, finding that omicron patients are experiencing persistent coughing or fatigue in greater proportions than those infected with the delta and other past COVID-19 variants.
   On the other hand, smaller proportions of omicron patients suffering from aftereffects have complained of taste or smell disorders.
   Warning that aftereffects of omicron infections tend to be prolonged, a doctor with expertise in COVID-19 aftereffects urged people to be on alert even if their coronavirus symptoms are mild when infected.
   In late May, the Tokyo metropolitan government released analytical results of counselings conducted over the phone by hospitals run by the government or others. The analysis covered phone calls from 2,039 people who tested positive for the omicron variant between January and April this year.
   With multiple answers allowed, 38.6 pct of the consulters said that they experienced lingering coughing, while 34.0 pct said that they were left with a sense of fatigue.


