2022.06.02 18:29Nation

島根2号機、再稼働同意 議会で丸山知事表明―県庁所在地に唯一立地


2022.06.02 18:29Nation

Shimane Governor to OK Restart of N-Reactor

Shimane Governor Tatsuya Maruyama has decided to approve the restart of the No. 2 reactor at Chugoku Electric Power Co.'s Shimane nuclear power station in the western Japan prefecture, sources familiar with the matter said.
   He will announce his decision at Thursday's prefectural assembly meeting, according to the sources.
   The governor's approval would mark the completion of the process to gain the consent of local communities for the restart of the reactor, setting the Shimane nuclear plant, the only such plant located in a prefectural capital in the country, to be back online.
   The city of Matsue, Shimane's capital and home to the nuclear plant, gave its consent in February. The cities of Izumo, Yasugi and Unnan, all within 30 kilometers from the plant, have also agreed to the restart.
   If the reactor is restarted, the Shimane prefectural government will receive 500 million yen in state subsidies and is also likely to enjoy a rise in revenue from its nuclear fuel tax.


