2022.04.27 21:57Nation

出港判断「最終的に私」 「申し訳ない」謝罪―知床観光船事故で社長会見

 北海道・知床半島沖で26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が遭難した事故で、運航会社「知床遊覧船」(北海道斜里町)の桂田精一社長(58)が27日、同町で記者会見した。桂田社長は事故当日の出港について「最終的な判断は私がした」と認め、「被害者の家族に負担を掛け、申し訳ございません」と謝罪した。23日の発生後、社長が公の場で事故に関して説明したのは初めて。

2022.04.27 21:57Nation

Hokkaido Company Head OK'd Boat Departure before Accident

The head of sightseeing tour boat operator Shiretoko Yuransen said Wednesday that he decided the departure of the ship that went missing off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido on Saturday.
   At a press conference in the town of Shari on the peninsula, a popular tourist destination in the northernmost prefecture, the company's head, Seiichi Katsurada, expressed his apologies to the victims of the accident and their family members.
   "We're very sorry for putting burdens (on you)," he said. His company operated the Kazu I tour boat, which is believed to have sunk.
   Katsurada said he talked with the captain of the boat before its departure and decided to carry out the tour on condition that the ship returned to the port if the sea became rough.
   It was the first time for Katsurada to explain the accident in public since the boat carrying 26 people including crew members disappeared on Saturday. Eleven of them have so far been found and confirmed dead.


