拒否権に説明求める決議採択 日米英仏賛成、中ロは否定的―国連総会
U.N. Adopts Resolution on Veto Holder Accountability
The U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday adopted by consensus a resolution to hold the five permanent Security Council members accountable when they exercise their veto powers.
The resolution was co-sponsored by 82 countries, including Japan, Germany and Ukraine, and Palestine as an observer nation.
Among the permanent Security Council members, the United States, Britain and France co-sponsored the resolution, which obliges the president of the General Assembly to convene a meeting within 10 days after a permanent Security Council member exercises a veto power to ask the member to explain about its action.
Although it is up to the permanent member in question to fulfill accountability, the co-sponsors hope that the resolution will help strengthen the functions of the General Assembly and apply certain pressure regarding the exercise of veto powers, after Russia's invasion of Ukraine revealed that the Security Council is not functioning effectively.
Liechtenstein's U.N. ambassador, Christian Wenaweser, who spearheaded the resolution, said in a speech before the resolution's adoption that the text of the resolution represents a commitment to multilateralism and that "there has never been a stronger need for innovation in order to secure the central role and voice of the United Nations in this respect."