2022.04.13 16:55Nation

ガソリン平均174円 2週ぶり下げ―経産省


2022.04.13 16:55Nation

Japan Average Pump Price Edges Down

The average retail price of regular gasoline in Japan as of Monday fell by 0.1 yen from a week before to 174 yen per liter, the industry ministry said Wednesday.
   The price would have been 192.7 yen without government subsidies provided to oil wholesalers to curb pump prices, the ministry said.
   The subsidies are effective, said an official of the Oil Information Center, which conducts the gasoline price survey on behalf of the ministry.
   Average prices fell in 29 of the country's 47 prefectures, while rising in 12 prefectures. The average topped 180 yen in four prefectures, with the highest recorded in Kagoshima, at 182.9 yen.
   The nationwide average price of kerosene rose by 1 yen to 2,062 yen per 18 liters.


