2022.04.08 17:03Nation

孤独感「常に」4.5% 30代で最多、初の調査―政府、予防策検討へ


2022.04.08 17:03Nation

4.5 Pct in Japan "Always" or "Frequently" Feel Lonely: Govt Survey

A Japanese government survey showed Friday that 4.5 pct of respondents "always" or "frequently" feel lonely.
   The proportion of such people stood at 4.9 pct among male respondents and 4.1 pct among female respondents.
   This was the first government survey on the issue of loneliness and isolation, which is becoming serious due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. The survey was conducted on the internet or by mail between December and January, covering 20,000 people aged 16 or older. Of them, 11,867, or 59.3 pct, gave valid answers.
   The proportion of respondents who "sometimes" and "occasionally" feel lonely came to 14.5 pct and 17.4 pct, respectively.
   Meanwhile, 38.9 pct said they "rarely" feel lonely, and 23.7 pct said they "never" feel lonely.


