2022.04.05 15:46Nation

「拒否権抑制」へ国際連携を 自民部会、安保理改革で提言案


2022.04.05 15:46Nation

Japan LDP Wants Int'l Cooperation to Limit U.N. Veto Powers

Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party on Tuesday drafted a proposal that the government work to strengthen international cooperation to limit the veto powers of the U.N. Security Council's permanent members.
   The draft proposal was drawn up by the party's Foreign Affairs Division and Research Commission on Foreign Affairs after Russia vetoed a Security Council resolution to condemn the country's invasion of Ukraine.
   The proposal calls on the government to ramp up its cooperation with France and other advocates of the idea of limiting the veto powers.
   "Japan must exercise leadership in the international community" on the issue, the proposal said, noting that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy denounced the Security Council's dysfunction in his online speech to Japan's parliament last month.
   The Foreign Affairs Division also decided to set up a project team on U.N. reforms.


