2022.04.01 12:09Nation

ガス代金、ルーブル払い拒否 サハリン1も撤退せず―参院本会議で岸田首相


2022.04.01 12:09Nation

Japan Refuses to Pay for Russian Gas in Rubles

Japan will refuse to pay in rubles for natural gas from Russia to act in concert with other Group of Seven members, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Friday.
   Kishida made that clear in a plenary meeting of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, Japan's parliament, to answer questions on his trip to Brussels to attend a G-7 summit.
   He also said that Japan will not withdraw from the Sakhalin-1 gas development project in Russia's Far East.
   On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin singed a law obliging foreign buyers of natural gas from Russia to pay in rubles. Violators may face a suspension of their gas contracts.
   "Our country's policy is to refuse the demand from Russia in line with the policy in a ministerial statement adopted at a meeting of the G-7 energy ministers," Kishida said.


