2022.03.31 10:43Nation

日産、「シーマ」生産終了へ バブル期の象徴、今夏までに


2022.03.31 10:43Nation

Nissan to End Production of Cima, Symbol of Bubble Economy

Nissan Motor Co. will end the production of the Cima luxury sedan by this summer due to a slump in sales in recent years, it was learned Thursday.
   The Cima was one of iconic high-end cars during Japan's asset inflation-driven bubble economy era mainly in the 1980s.
   Nissan will also terminate the production of the hybrid version of the Skyline sports sedan, as well as the Fuga sedan, as their engines do not meet noise standards to be newly introduced, informed sources said.
   The major Japanese automaker apparently believes that it should focus on the development of electrified vehicles, for which competition is heating up, rather than putting its energy into creating engines meeting the new standards.
   The Cima became a huge hit soon after its debut in 1988, creating the so-called "Cima phenomenon" at the height of the bubble era. The Cima saw its annual sales peak at some 36,000 units, leading the country's luxury car boom at the time.


