2022.01.12 11:22Nation

岸田首相、皇族確保策を国会に報告 細田衆院議長「時間かけ検討」


2022.01.12 11:22Nation

Kishida Gives Diet Plans to Bolster Imperial Family Ranks

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida informed the chairs of both chambers of the Diet, Japan's parliament, on Wednesday of two plans proposed by a panel of experts to shore up the shrinking ranks of the Imperial Family.
   One of the proposals set out in the panel's final report late last year would allow female members of the Imperial Family to retain their Imperial status even after marriage to commoners. The other calls for reinstating by adoption male offspring of the paternal line from former family branches.
   During talks with the leaders of the House of Representatives, the lower chamber of the Diet, and the House of Councillors, the upper chamber, Kishida said, "The government respects the report."
   Kishida handed the report to Lower House Speaker Hiroyuki Hosoda and Vice Speaker Banri Kaieda, as well as Upper House President Akiko Santo and Vice President Toshio Ogawa.
   Hosoda expressed his readiness to convene representatives of parliamentary groups to launch discussions early next week. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno is due to explain details of the report to parliamentary groups on Tuesday.


