2022.01.11 16:37Nation

日本国籍保有認めず 台湾在住の3人敗訴―東京地裁


2022.01.11 16:37Nation

Tokyo Court Nixes Japanese Citizenship for 3 Men in Taiwan

Tokyo District Court has turned down a plea by three men living in Taiwan for the court to recognize that they continue to possess Japanese citizenship they acquired before World War II.
   Handing down the ruling on Tuesday, Presiding Judge Yoshitaka Ichihara said that the plaintiffs have lost their Japanese citizenship.
   The three men were born before the war in Taiwan, which was Japanese territory at the time. They obtained Japanese citizenship also because their parents were from Taiwan as well.
   Following Japan's surrender in the war in August 1945, the San Francisco peace treaty, which stipulated the country's relinquishment of its sovereignty over Taiwan, among other things, took effect in 1952.
   Also in 1952, the Sino-Japanese peace treaty between Japan and the then Republic of China, which defined citizenship of people belonging to Taiwan at the time, entered into force. Under the treaty, Japanese citizenship owned by people from Taiwan was thought to have become invalid.


