2022.01.11 19:02Nation

国公立大、2次試験で合否判定を 共通テスト受験できぬ場合―文科省


2022.01.11 19:02Nation

Univ. Admission Test Flexibility Sought in Japan amid Pandemic

Japanese education minister Shinsuke Suematsu said Tuesday that his ministry will ask national and other public universities to offer rescue measures to those who would be unable to take the country's unified entrance exams scheduled later this month due to reasons including novel coronavirus infections.
   Specifically, the education ministry will call on the universities to use their respective second-stage entrance exams alone to decide whether to admit such applicants, the minister said at a press conference.
   The ministry will also ask private universities utilizing the unified exams to make admission decisions by their own entrance tests alone for applicants who would miss the unified ones.
   For those unable to take these second-stage or individual exams due to COVID-19 infections, the ministry will request universities to consider allowing applicants to be enrolled by providing opportunities for supplementary exams, such as one based on application documents and interviews, Suematsu said.
   Prefectural education boards across the country will also be asked to consider making admission decisions using supplementary tests or documents alone for those who would be unable to take regular junior high and high school entrance exams because of coronavirus infections.


