2022.01.10 11:37Nation

国内感染、週3万2000人 前週の10倍に増加―新型コロナ


2022.01.10 11:37Nation

Japan Confirms 32,081 New Coronavirus Cases in Past Week

Japan confirmed 32,081 new cases of novel coronavirus infection in the past week, up about 10-fold from the preceding week.
   The country's cumulative COVID-19 cases, including those among cruise ship passengers and crew members, stood at 1,767,434 as of 10 a.m. Monday (1 a.m. GMT).
   The pace of increase in new infection cases has accelerated amid the rapid spread of the omicron coronavirus variant in the country.
   Japan's cumulative death toll from the virus stood at 18,414, up by eight from a week earlier.
   By prefecture, Okinawa, southernmost Japan, had the largest weekly COVID-19 cases at 6,665, about 25 times the preceding week's total, followed by Tokyo at 4,654 and Osaka in western Japan, at 3,394.


