2021.12.24 07:05Nation

タイで「高専」に熱視線 日本の制度導入、技術者育成


2021.12.24 07:05Nation

Thailand Adopts Japanese "Kosen" Technical Colleges

Thailand is looking to produce engineering talent by adopting the Japanese system of technical colleges, or kosen.
   Technical colleges, in which students learn technical skills under a five-year curriculum after finishing junior high school, were set up in Thailand as part of a yen-loan program of the Japanese government, with the aim of fostering talent that could contribute to the Southeast Asian country's economic development strategy.
   KOSEN-KMITL was established at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang in May 2019, while KOSEN-KMUTT was established at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi in May the following year.
   Each of the two technical colleges started out with one department. The number of departments will increase to three by 2023 at KOSEN-KMITL and by 2024 at KOSEN-KMUTT.
   During a class on soldering on Dec. 16, first-year students at KOSEN-KMITL's mechatronics engineering department listened intently to explanations by Japanese and Thai teachers. The class began with a greeting by students in Japanese.


