2021.12.23 15:31Nation

3回目接種、高齢者施設で続々開始 オミクロン株に警戒強まる―東京、大阪


2021.12.23 15:31Nation

Japan Municipalities Begin Giving Early Booster Shots

Some Japanese municipalities began administering COVID-19 vaccine booster shots Thursday, earlier than initially planned, to residents of elderly care facilities.
   Municipalities are rushing preparations to give third shots after community-acquired infections of the omicron variant of the novel coronavirus were confirmed in the western prefectures of Kyoto and Osaka.
   But only a few people are expected to receive booster shots early.
   The central government decided last week to shorten the minimum interval between the second and third shots to six months for people in elderly facilities from eight months in principle.
   An elderly care facility in Naniwa Ward in the city of Osaka began administering booster shots Thursday. Twelve residents and staff members who had received their second shots by the end of June were inoculated that day.


