2021.12.22 21:20Nation

専門家「氷山の一角」 市中感染、既に拡大か―オミクロン株


2021.12.22 21:20Nation

Expert Warns Omicron May Already Be Spreading in Japan

An infectious disease expert has warned that the omicron coronavirus variant may be already spreading in Japan, given community-acquired omicron cases reported by Osaka Prefecture on Wednesday.
   The Osaka cases, Japan's first confirmed community-acquired omicron infections, are "the tip of the iceberg," the expert said, speculating that the variant has slipped through quarantine and is already spreading.
   "Pneumonia tends to become severe in winter, and influenza is prone to spreading as well," the expert said. "What's important right now is to take basic measures such as avoiding the three Cs of closed, crowded and close-contact settings, wearing face masks and making sure to ventilate."
   The expert also called on the central government to continue border control measures and stem the inflow of people as much as possible, in order to avoid a shortage of hospital beds.
   A health ministry expert panel that advises the government on coronavirus measures expressed concerns about the omicron variant, based on infection reports from the United States and European countries.


