2019.12.04 21:49Nation

ゲノム編集ベビー、規制強化へ 厚労省専門委が報告


2019.12.04 21:49Nation

Stricter Regulations Sought for Genome Editing of Fertilized Eggs

An expert committee under Japan's health ministry has outlined a report demanding stricter regulations on genome editing of fertilized human eggs for birth.
   The committee is expected to compile shortly a full report stressing the need for legal restrictions and other measures for submission to the government's bioethics panel.
   The draft report, compiled Wednesday, also calls for regulations on conventional methods of genetic modification, such as using viruses to alter genes.
   On the other hand, the report notes that genome editing technology is expected to help prevent incurable diseases by repairing abnormal genes in fertilized eggs.
   The report calls for further studies on the possibility of genome editing for birth being permitted in the event that current issues are resolved and the technology becomes widely accepted by society. Genome editing currently holds the danger of altering genetic information not intended to be changed.


