2019.12.05 07:27Nation

「障害者職員」言及、安倍首相に批判 「桜」名簿廃棄の遅延理由で


2019.12.05 07:27Nation

Abe Rapped for Comment on Disabled Govt Worker over Scandal

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been criticized for his remark that appeared to link a disabled worker with a delay in scrapping guest lists for a cherry blossom party at the center of cronyism allegations.
   Explaining why the work was delayed until May 9, four weeks after this year's cherry blossom-viewing party in April, Abe recently cited scheduling arrangements for a nonregular worker who operates a document shredder at the Cabinet Office.
   Abe, already under fire for inviting many of his supporters to state-funded annual cherry blossom-viewing parties, said the nonregular employee is a disabled worker on shortened work hours.
   The prime minister gave the explanation Monday at a plenary meeting of the House of Councillors, the upper chamber of the Diet, the country's parliament.
   Abe has drawn fresh fire, because his remark was taken to show a lack of consideration for socially vulnerable people.


