2021.11.25 12:37Nation

都民向け旅行補助再開へ 1泊5000円―東京都

 東京都が新型コロナウイルスで打撃を受けた観光業の支援策として、昨年独自に実施した都民の都内旅行に対する補助事業を再開する方向で調整していることが25日、分かった。政府が年明け以降の再開を検討する観光支援策「Go To トラベル」に歩調を合わせ、感染状況を考慮しながら実施する方針だ。(2021/11/25-12:37)

2021.11.25 12:37Nation

Tokyo Planning Resumption of Tourism Subsidy Program

The Tokyo metropolitan government is planning to resume its subsidy program for residents going on trips within the Japanese capital, it was learned Thursday.
   The metropolitan government hopes to resume the program aimed at supporting the tourism industry, hit hard by the novel coronavirus crisis, in step with the restart of the central government's Go To Travel domestic tourism promotion campaign mulled for early next year, informed sources said.
   It will consider the state of coronavirus infections in deciding the start date.
   The Tokyo government began its subsidy program for residents late last October, giving 5,000 yen per night for overnight stays in the capital and 2,500 yen per day trip. But it was forced to suspend the program in late November that year due to the resurgence of the virus.
   The subsidy amount is expected to remain the same as before the suspension.


