2021.11.04 16:35Nation

伊方原発、運転差し止め却下 運転停止中の3号機―広島地裁


2021.11.04 16:35Nation

Court Nixes Petition to Halt Ikata N-Reactor in Japan

A district court dismissed on Thursday a petition seeking a provisional injunction to halt operations at the No. 3 reactor of Shikoku Electric Power Co.'s Ikata nuclear plant in Ehime Prefecture, western Japan.
   The petition was filed by seven residents of Ehime Prefecture and nearby Hiroshima Prefecture with Hiroshima District Court in March last year.
   They plan to file a complaint against the ruling with Hiroshima High Court.
   The case focused on whether Shikoku Electric set a reasonable design basis earthquake ground motion, or the level of shaking used as a standard in designing earthquake-resistant structures, for the reactor.
   Presiding Judge Shigeyuki Yoshioka said that in order for him to issue an injunction, the residents needed to come up with evidence that there is a tangible risk of an earthquake larger than the design basis earthquake ground motion occurring.


