2021.11.02 22:03Nation

アジア支援に1.1兆円拠出 脱炭素、日本でEV普及―COP26岸田首相演説


2021.11.02 22:03Nation

Japan's Kishida Vows 10. B. Dlrs for Decarbonization in Asia

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Tuesday pledged to provide up to 10 billion dollars additionally over the next five years to support decarbonization efforts by other Asian countries.
   "Japan will build a decarbonized society by promoting shifts to clean energy, especially in Asia," Kishida said in his speech at a two-day U.N. climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, from Monday.
   He also expressed his policy of accelerating efforts to spread the use of electric vehicles in Japan.
   In the speech at the leaders' session of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, or COP26, Kishida pledged to achieve Japan's target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions effectively to zero by 2050.
   This decade is crucial for the fight against global warming, he said, calling on the international community to act together.


