2019.11.29 17:40Nation

木造住宅派、過去最低73% 初の8割割れ―内閣府調査


2019.11.29 17:40Nation

Popularity of Wooden Housing Hits Record Low in Japan

Japanese people have their lowest interest in wooden housing since 1989, apparently reflecting its high maintenance costs and vulnerability to fire, a Cabinet Office survey showed Friday.
   The share of respondents preferring to build or buy wooden homes stood at 73.6 pct, falling below 80 pct for the first time since the survey began 30 years ago.
   Non-wooden homes, such as ones using reinforced concrete and steel frames, were chosen by 23.7 pct, while 2.7 pct said they have no idea.
   The proportion of anti-wood respondents sharply increased after standing at around 15 pct in previous surveys.
   "We need to promote good things and the safety of wooden housing," a Forestry Agency official said.


