2019.11.29 10:24Nation

温室ガス排出、過去最少 18年度国内速報値―環境省


2019.11.29 10:24Nation

Japan's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hit Record Low in FY 2018

Japan's greenhouse gas emissions hit a record low in fiscal 2018, falling 3.6 pct from the previous year to 1,244 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, the Environment Ministry said Friday.
   The amount of emissions was down 7 million tons from the previous record low posted in fiscal 2009, which ended in March 2010.
   The decrease in fiscal 2018 reflected an increase in the number of operating nuclear power reactors, the expanded use of solar, wind and other renewable energy sources, and reduced kerosene consumption due to relatively warm winter temperatures.
   The emissions amount marked the fifth consecutive year of decline after peaking at 1,410 million tons in fiscal 2013 amid the shutdowns of nuclear power plants following the March 2011 triple meltdown at Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant.
   This is an achievement that "Japan can be proud of," Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi said.


