2021.10.03 20:28Nation

ビジネスにSFの想像力 起点は未来、ソニーGも活用

 ソニーのプロジェクトを支援した「WIRED Sci―Fiプロトタイピング研究所」は、これまでにインターネット広告大手サイバーエージェントとメディアの未来像を探る企画を手掛けたほか、地方自治体とともに先端技術を駆使した都市構想づくりに取り組んでいる。小谷知也所長は「SF作家の思考法を学んでビジネスに生かしてもらいたい」と語る。(2021/10/03-20:28)

2021.10.03 20:28Nation

Sony Turning to Science Fiction for Novel Ideas

How about a mask allowing the wearer to enjoy synthesized smells of excellent cuisine? Or a floating house for people displaced by higher sea levels due to climate change?
   These are among the ideas for possible products and services that Japan's Sony Group Corp. have conceived based on science fiction stories created through collaboration between sci-fi writers and young in-house designers.
   Such stories offer a peek into futures envisioned with the bold imagination of authors, and details included in the imagined futures are used to develop products and services. This method is called sci-fi prototyping.
   While the COVID-19 pandemic has presented scenes like those from sci-fi movies, such as eerily empty cities due to lockdowns, Japanese companies including Sony are starting to explore unconventional methods to come up with novel ideas.
   Sony put into shape products and services that appear in stories drawn up through workshops between writers and designers with "2050," "Tokyo," and "romance," designated as keywords for the overarching theme.


