2019.11.27 11:03Nation

自動ブレーキ義務化へ 新型車対象、21年度にも―政府


2019.11.27 11:03Nation

Japan to Require Automatic Brakes for New Cars

Japan's government plans to require automakers to equip new cars sold in the country with automatic braking systems, starting in as early as fiscal 2021, it was learned Wednesday.
   The government hopes that mandating automatic braking systems will help reduce collisions and crashes, following a recent string of accidents involving vehicles driven by elderly people, including fatal cases.
   Automakers will be obliged to adopt automatic braking systems that meet international standards approved by a U.N. forum on vehicle regulations, informed sources said. The systems will be capable of detecting pedestrians crossing the street and avoiding collisions with them.
   In a set of emergency measures on traffic safety compiled in June, the government suggested that it would consider making automatic brakes mandatory. A final decision on the plan will be made by year-end, after discussions with automakers and related ministries and agencies, and the transport ministry will then revise its safety standards for automobiles, the sources said.
   The new rule is expected to be initially applied to new model vehicles and minivehicles to be launched in fiscal 2021 and later. The government is still considering whether existing vehicle models should be covered by the rule.


