2021.09.02 20:12Nation

大規模接種に3万人若者枠 自衛隊センター、11月末まで―コロナワクチン


2021.09.02 20:12Nation

Japan to Accept Vaccination Reservations from 30,000 More Younger People

The Japanese government said Thursday that it will accept reservations for coronavirus vaccine shots from 30,000 more people aged 18 to 39 at mass inoculation centers run by the Self-Defense Forces in Tokyo and Osaka.
   The government also said the operation period for the centers, opened May 25, will be extended until the end of November after the first extension until Sept. 25, amid infections keeping increasing among younger generations.
   The Tokyo center, which will make use of some 22,000 doses that have not already been reserved for shots by Sept. 25, will start accepting reservations exclusively from people in the designated age group at 6 p.m. Friday (9 a.m. GMT). Those who make reservations Friday can get vaccinated as early as Saturday.
   Reservations are expected to begin at the Osaka center, where about 6,500 doses are unreserved, next week after system revamping.
   The government also plans inoculations at the centers for those who missed their second dose in workplace vaccination programs. It is estimated that there are around 15,000 such people in the two cities.


